10 Reasons Your Business is Like a Tree (Part 2)
Both create outcomes that ripple out into the world (and back into their foundational resources)
Growing leaves is a pretty big deal for a tree, just as having an effect in your clients’ lives is to you and your business.
Leaves are integral to the survival of the tree, and when they fall in autumn they are folded back into the soil (just as your outcomes come back to you by way of testimonials, recommendations, and the general good vibes out in the world!).
Both need to market to attract their target audiences
Trees use flowers to attract pollinators in the same way that your marketing attracts clients. Your business needs to be appealing and give clients them something they want/need to get them to opt in (direct leads marketing - clicking something to say they want to hear from you)
By standing out and offering specific pollinators something they need in the form of nectar, trees can be selective with what they attract. Your marketing should use a similar strategy – aim to stand out to the clients that you want; make it easy for them to find you.
Both need a product to offer
Fruit - nutrient rich for them, solves the hunger problems
Products and your sales - this is where you really provide for your customers. You give them the resources they need to live their life happier, fuller, etc.
Your products and sales are the fruit of your business. This is the end product that you provide to your customers, be it a physical product or a service.
No two products are the same and this is a good thing. Some people seek out lemons, and others want alpine strawberries!
Both need something to flow through them and transport resources, energy, and actions around
Rainwater - how things are moved around. Too little/too much a problem. Need to be prepared for fluctuations as are expected in their environment (e.g. willow “this is a nice puddle, I’ll grow here! Boab “it rains once a decade, lovely”).
Money - healthy cash flow is needed to keep your business going. It’s a fact of life, and without it it’s just an expensive hobby. Your cash profile is also unique, but you need enough to sustain you and your business!
For trees, this is rainwater; for your business, money. Too much can be a problem just as too little can, and you need to be prepared for natural fluctuations over the lifetime of your business. A monsoon can need as much preparation as a drought!
Just like trees, each business will need a different amount to keep healthy. Cashflow is needed to keep your business going, and your cash profile will be unique. Knowing your cash profile can help you to plan for the future, and overall manage your money better.
Both need something to grow towards
Plants grow towards the sun (the way they bend towards the light is called phototropism and it’s a very cool process!). It is their energy source and ensures everything is growing in the right direction.
You need a clear purpose and vision. You need inspiration so your business feels vital. Your business needs direction so your growth is purposeful and energised – it’s easier to be excited when you know where you’re going!not just… anywhere?
You may be thinking “This is all well and good, of course, I love trees, but how can I use this metaphor to improve my business?” The first step to improvement is getting a baseline; you need to know where you’re at now so you can find ways to improve. If you want to see how your business tree is growing - check out your business audit here!