Why Movement & Mindset Go Hand-in-Hand

Everything in life starts with your mindset first. Your actions follow your thoughts, your beliefs, and your ideas. To make a shift, to free your energy, start with getting your mind right, then take action.

- Sylvester McNutt III

Why movement and mindset? Why don’t I just pick one lane and stick to it?

There are soooooo many reasons that movement and mindset go hand-in-hand. Here are my top three reasons (you can see more in the video, there were some tangents…) that movement and mindset absolutely go together…

We need our mindset to support our movement

Our bodies can’t show up and train without support from our minds. We need our mindset to value, prioritise, and support our ability to show up and move.

Without this step we don’t move, we don’t train, and we don’t reach our goals… so if you’re stuck and not sure where to start, how to keep going, and how to show up, that’s a mindset question!

Our mindset changes our movement

Whether it comes to keeping running while we tackle that hill, getting back up after falling on our butt, or showing up time and time again to practice a new skill - we need our mind to support us during our training too.

If we are hesitant, unsure, scared, unmotivated, bored, or any other ‘meh’ emotion during our training, that has a huuuuuge impact on our ability to reach our goals.

This doesn’t mean every training session is going to feel amazing, but it does mean if we show up with curiosity, self compassion, and a growth mindset we will be able to surprise ourselves!

Movement is a playground for expanding our mindset

We all face challenges, frustrations, and discomfort in our ‘real’ life.

Movement provides us with all of these in a safe playground. We can practice sitting with uncomfortable sensations, moderating our reactions, and increasing our self-control… all without risking getting angry at the boss!

This is one of the biggest changes regularly training has made for me - it’s not about the movement, it’s about how well I can consistently show up, sit with discomfort, challenge myself, and expand my response to unpleasant situations (foam rolling, hiya!).

How do your movement and mindset fit together?

Seriously, this is my world. If you have any questions about movement, mindset, and where one ends and the other begins - just drop me an email on seonaidh@seonaidhjamieson.com and I’ll reply as soon as I can!

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