"I need a system!"

Good news - you already have one! Bad news - it might not be clear what it is, what it does, and where you might want to improve it.

Good news II - that's exactly what today is for! Let's begin with the end in mind...

When someone says "I need a system", what they usually mean is they need the output the system produces. In your business you might need processes and systems to organise tasks, produce invoices, track clients, and highlight potential issues.

We can often think we need all the bells and whistles in the world... but really, in small businesses, we need simplicity and ease.

When you think of the system you need, what is the least you need to know or see or produce to get your desired outcome?

That could be sticking with your existing stash of post-it notes and envelope-based-lists, or it could be deleting that complex workflow that you never bloomin' use!

From The Lighter Newsletter #1
18th May 2023