3 Tips to Get More Out of Your Digital Business Assets
Categories: Resources and Assets
You’ve got assets, and it’s about time they worked harder for you! Here are three tips to help you get the most out of your business’ resources.
➤ 1 Index everything
Where is it? Where is it referenced? You need to know what is where so that you can update, refresh, and refer accordingly.
This could be a list of places you’ve referenced, a free resource, or a complex database of digital assets.
You might include the date you last shared them.
You could set it up on Trello, AirTable, or Mira!
➤ 2 Make sure they are going in the same direction
I’ve got a lot of random stuff in my copy vault, but it’s not all about helping you solve the invisible problems in your business, so it’s not all coming out to play here.
When choosing which assets to share where, make sure you share the ones that point your business towards your intended destination, and that align with your business’ purpose.
➤ 3 You may be bored of it, but your next ideal customer hasn’t seen it yet
Always creating new content? That’s awesome, but to paraphrase James Wedmore, you only need to build a car once before you drive it.
You’ve got a great lead magnet or talk… why are you not putting it everywhere? You made it last month and the novelty wore off (I get it, I really do), but you have ideal clients out there who need this and haven’t seen it yet!
Share it more, and for longer. If you are bored of it but you are still getting positive results, it still has life in it!
Using your resources and assets more effectively can do some of your work for you, and will definitely save you time and effort down the line. If you know you could use these better but aren’t sure where to start, get in touch with me for recommendations!