Seonaidh Jamieson

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Make Starting Again Even Easier

Are you dreading coming back to your favourite movement after lockdown/injury/illness/pregnancy/life?

Sometimes life happens and we’re not able to stay in our usual routines - if you’re gearing up to make a comeback I’m sure you’re having all sorts of emotions. Excitement. Nerves. Happiness. Dread. All are completely normal, and can be managed by making a couple of mindset tweaks…

Give yourself credit for what you have been doing

Walking. The odd stretch. Surving.

They all count towards what you are already doing! Unless you’ve been completely sedentary (I’m talking not even leaving your bed) you will already be moving more than you are giving yourself credit for.

Take a moment to appreciate what you have been doing - no caveats, just genuine appreciation for what you are already doing!

Set a process-based goal to get you started

By following a process (e.g. showing up on X days) we can actively manage our return to exercise and influence the result (by going, or not going).

If we have an outcome-based goal (e.g. run 5km in my old time by next Tuesday), we can’t directly control how our body adapts… but we can directly control how often we show up.

This works especially well if we don’t know how we’re coming back, for example after a reeeeeaaally long break.

Reframe the hard bits

Finding movements hard is part of finding them easy again!

There will be movements you revisit that used to feel like a piece of cake but now feel more like swimming through treacle. That’s not only normal, but positive - you are pushing your body and soon you’ll find this movement easy again!

Remember to rest


I know it’s tempting to go all out, but rest is an important part of our growth and recovery.

By gradually building up your activity, you give your body a chance to adapt. This reduces your injury risk and ultimately, makes your return smoother!

Not sure when to take a day off? Check out 5 things that outweigh exercise every time!

Avoid comparisonitis!

Comparisons between us and others, and between us now and us-from-other-times can massively dampen our enthusiasm.

We are all in the same storm in very different boats. Looking at the pro-athlete, or yogi who has kept up their training doesn’t take into account the home-schooling, business pivoting, or countless other things you have been doing!

And when it comes to then-you? Think of all the experiences you’ve had since now and then. Think of all the things you’ve experienced and overcome.

Now you’re coming back you’ve got all your previous movement skills, and a whole load more life under your belt to be the best version of you yet!

How are you feeling about your return?

It’s normal to feel a little anxious, but some self-compassion goes a long way!

By appreciating what you’re already doing, and setting yourself up for success you’ll be back in your groove before you know it.

If you’d like help planning and rocking your return, I’d highly recommend checking out The Orchard - my monthly membership here for all parts of your fitness journey!

PS. Make sure you never miss a blog post by popping your email address in below 👇

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